I Think I Can, I Think I Can

I first started toying with the idea of having a website dedicated to sales of my scrap metal art in 2020, early on in the covid shutdowns to be precise. Up to that point, my sales were generated either through my Facebook business page or by participating in area markets and shows.  As we all know, markets and shows came to a screeching halt during the initial shutdowns in 2020.  As any maker will tell you, shows and markets are where it's at.  Sure, they are a lot of work -- and that is a huge understatement, by the way -- but the majority of yearly sales are attributable to participating in well-publicized shows that attract thousands of shoppers. In 2020 show after show canceled.  Some rescheduled in hopes of restrictions letting up but ended up canceling again and again.  There were a few brave market organizers that went out on a limb and risked huge losses by proceeding (with many safety precautions in place) with fall shows.  My first show of the year was mid September.  I had another one in October.  Those were the only two shows for the entire year I had scheduled that did not cancel.

I failed to mention earlier that I had also quit my job in May of 2020 in order to pursue my side gig full time, the metal art business.  I had planned my early retirement from freelance court reporting for a couple of years.  Bad timing?  Well, some would look at it that way.  I did not.  I saw it as an opportunity to "beat the bushes," so to speak, to try and drum up business through other means.  My online business started really picking up, and soon I had potential customers contacting me via email, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok inquiring how to purchase from me.  There were many days that trying to keep up with the various platforms I was using to market my goods became more than I could handle effectively.  I desperately needed a way to streamline potential customers to ONE platform so that I could keep up with inquiries more easily.  I was constantly being asked if I had a website, so putting one together seemed like a logical solution.

I had one very large problem.  I didn't know anything about putting a website together. (I still don't know much, by the way.)  Enter #bossbabe Misty Titzer, a local business woman in my hometown who owns multiple successful businesses that have a very strong online presence.  She graciously offered her services of getting me off the ground with a functional website.  She had everything operational in late April, early May 2021.  Here we are in October 2021, and I'm just now FINALLY going live with the website.  What took so long from the website formation to going live, you might ask.  INVENTORY, and a few other little hiccups along the way.  

I must say I have the absolute best customer base on the planet. They snatch up items as soon as I get them made.  I have not had a surplus of items all year.  In fact, I have had to withdraw from all shows and markets for the remainder of the year because I simply no longer have time to get enough inventory made for shows.  I am currently booked up with custom orders for over six months and have had to stop taking additional custom orders through the end of the year.  Possibly longer.  Y'all, I mean it when I say people are GOOD! 

Here I am FINALLY getting my website up and running five months behind my intended timeline.  Better late than never.  Right?  If you're still reading, I kinda wonder why you stuck it out.  Maybe you're bored.  Maybe you just like to read.  Either way, thank you for being here, and thanks for checking out my long-awaited website!




  • You are the best!

  • You are amazing. Your art is beautiful.

    Anne C. Hughes
  • Of course I read it all! We are so proud of what you have accomplished! I just keep thinking about how my good friend, your dear mother, would be so proud of your second career! As for me, I am truly amazed!

    Susan Brake

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